Posted in Verses


I had a chance encounter

With a word today.

A name, an acquaintance of old,


Is it C-ron or CY-ron?

In all those years when I frequented the joint,

I never cared for how it sounded in my head,

But now I do.

S-I-R-O-N was all it was,

Bright painted letters

Above the single dingy room,

With cheap chairs

And dusty corners

That promised milkshakes and ice creams

At rates we could afford;

And so it was

That a shoddy little place,

Grew into a horde of memories –

Haven for hot days,

Birthday treats,

Risque solitude

And covert first dates;

Sweet days tasting of

Thick mango shakes in summer

Choco deluxe in autumn

With cutlets and rolls

And watered down sauce;


I had a chance encounter

With five letters today

And together they spelt out


Summer evenings,


And love.